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Mind Network Secures $25 Million in Initial Funding From Binance Labs and Other Prominent Venture Capitalists

PRESS RELEASE. Mind Network, an innovative platform leading the way in data security and privacy within the Web3 ecosystem, is delighted to announce the successful completion of its initial funding round, raising $2.5 million. Binance Labs, Comma3 Ventures, SevenX Ventures, HashKey Capital, Big Brain Holdings, Arweave SCP Ventures, Mandala Capital, and other notable investors participated in the funding round.

Mind Network has emerged as a frontrunner in the Web3 arena, providing users with end-to-end encryption and granting them full control over their personal data, financial transactions, and user interactions. By incorporating the principles of Zero Trust Security, Zero Knowledge Proof, and proprietary Adaptive Fully Homomorphic Encryption techniques, the platform ensures robust protection and access control within the decentralized ecosystem.

“We are extremely pleased to receive the support and confidence of such esteemed investors,” stated Mason, representing Mind Network. “This funding will enable us to further develop our groundbreaking technology and accelerate the adoption of our platform across various industries, ensuring worldwide data privacy and ownership for our users.”

As a participant in Binance Incubation Program Season 5, Mind Network has benefited from the expertise and guidance of Binance Labs, the VC and incubation arm of Binance. Moreover, the company has been chosen to be part of the prestigious Chainlink BUILD Program, reaffirming its commitment to establishing a Web3 ecosystem centered around data privacy and ownership.

“We are excited to welcome Mind Network to our ecosystem,” commented Oliver Birch, Global Head of Chainlink BUILD. “Their innovative approach to data security aligns with our mission, and we eagerly anticipate collaborating with them to shape the future of decentralized applications.”

Mind Network has formed strategic partnerships with industry giants, including Chainlink, Consensys, and Arweave, providing a solid foundation for the platform’s growth. These partnerships have also facilitated early support from global banks, insurance companies, and various dApps and protocols.

Mind Network has assembled a formidable team comprising accomplished leaders in their respective fields. The CTO, George, previously conducted research at Cambridge University, and the United Kingdom government and high-street banks have adopted his cryptographic findings. Dennis, the CSO, made history as the first white hat hacker to breach Tesla’s security in 2014. The remainder of the team consists of serial entrepreneurs, award-winning scientists, and Web3 marketing veterans.

With the successful completion of the seed funding round and the ongoing support from its partners and investors, Mind Network is well-positioned to advance its mission of enhancing data security, privacy, and ownership in the Web3 era.

To find out more about Mind Network and its groundbreaking technology, please visit:












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